Source code for lightflow.config

import os
import sys
import ruamel.yaml as yaml

from lightflow.models.exceptions import ConfigLoadError, ConfigFieldError

LIGHTFLOW_CONFIG_NAME = 'lightflow.cfg'

def expand_env_var(env_var):
    """ Expands, potentially nested, environment variables.

            env_var (str): The environment variable that should be expanded.

            str: The fully expanded environment variable.
    if not env_var:
        return env_var
    while True:
        interpolated = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(str(env_var)))
        if interpolated == env_var:
            return interpolated
            env_var = interpolated

[docs]class Config: """ Hosts the global configuration. The configuration is read from a structured YAML file or a dictionary. The location of the file can either be specified directly, is given in the environment variable LIGHTFLOW_CONFIG_ENV, is looked for in the current execution directory or in the home directory of the user. """ def __init__(self): self._config = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, *, strict=True): """ Create a new Config object from a configuration file. Args: filename (str): The location and name of the configuration file. strict (bool): If true raises a ConfigLoadError when the configuration cannot be found. Returns: An instance of the Config class. Raises: ConfigLoadError: If the configuration cannot be found. """ config = cls() config.load_from_file(filename, strict=strict) return config
[docs] def load_from_file(self, filename=None, *, strict=True): """ Load the configuration from a file. The location of the configuration file can either be specified directly in the parameter filename or is searched for in the following order: 1. In the environment variable given by LIGHTFLOW_CONFIG_ENV 2. In the current execution directory 3. In the user's home directory Args: filename (str): The location and name of the configuration file. strict (bool): If true raises a ConfigLoadError when the configuration cannot be found. Raises: ConfigLoadError: If the configuration cannot be found. """ self.set_to_default() if filename: self._update_from_file(filename) else: if LIGHTFLOW_CONFIG_ENV not in os.environ: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), LIGHTFLOW_CONFIG_NAME)): self._update_from_file( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), LIGHTFLOW_CONFIG_NAME)) elif os.path.isfile(expand_env_var('~/{}'.format(LIGHTFLOW_CONFIG_NAME))): self._update_from_file( expand_env_var('~/{}'.format(LIGHTFLOW_CONFIG_NAME))) else: if strict: raise ConfigLoadError('Could not find the configuration file.') else: self._update_from_file(expand_env_var(os.environ[LIGHTFLOW_CONFIG_ENV])) self._update_python_paths()
[docs] def load_from_dict(self, conf_dict=None): """ Load the configuration from a dictionary. Args: conf_dict (dict): Dictionary with the configuration. """ self.set_to_default() self._update_dict(self._config, conf_dict) self._update_python_paths()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns a copy of the internal configuration as a dictionary. """ return dict(self._config)
@property def workflows(self): """ Return the workflow folders """ return self._config.get('workflows') @property def data_store(self): """ Return the data store settings """ return self._config.get('store') @property def signal(self): """ Return the signal system settings """ return self._config.get('signal') @property def logging(self): """ Return the logging settings """ return self._config.get('logging') @property def celery(self): """ Return the celery settings """ return self._config.get('celery') @property def cli(self): """ Return the cli settings """ return self._config.get('cli') @property def extensions(self): """ Return the custom settings of extensions """ if 'extensions' not in self._config: raise ConfigFieldError( 'The extensions section is missing in the configuration') return self._config.get('extensions') @property def workflow_polling_time(self): """ Return the waiting time between status checks of the running dags (sec) """ if 'graph' not in self._config: raise ConfigFieldError('The graph section is missing in the configuration') return self._config.get('graph').get('workflow_polling_time') @property def dag_polling_time(self): """ Return the waiting time between status checks of the running tasks (sec) """ if 'graph' not in self._config: raise ConfigFieldError('The graph section is missing in the configuration') return self._config.get('graph').get('dag_polling_time')
[docs] def set_to_default(self): """ Overwrite the configuration with the default configuration. """ self._config = yaml.safe_load(self.default())
def _update_from_file(self, filename): """ Helper method to update an existing configuration with the values from a file. Loads a configuration file and replaces all values in the existing configuration dictionary with the values from the file. Args: filename (str): The path and name to the configuration file. """ if os.path.exists(filename): try: with open(filename, 'r') as config_file: yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load( if yaml_dict is not None: self._update_dict(self._config, yaml_dict) except IsADirectoryError: raise ConfigLoadError( 'The specified configuration file is a directory not a file') else: raise ConfigLoadError('The config file {} does not exist'.format(filename)) def _update_dict(self, to_dict, from_dict): """ Recursively merges the fields for two dictionaries. Args: to_dict (dict): The dictionary onto which the merge is executed. from_dict (dict): The dictionary merged into to_dict """ for key, value in from_dict.items(): if key in to_dict and isinstance(to_dict[key], dict) and \ isinstance(from_dict[key], dict): self._update_dict(to_dict[key], from_dict[key]) else: to_dict[key] = from_dict[key] def _update_python_paths(self): """ Append the workflow and libraries paths to the PYTHONPATH. """ for path in self._config['workflows'] + self._config['libraries']: if os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(path)): if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) else: raise ConfigLoadError( 'Workflow directory {} does not exist'.format(path))
[docs] @staticmethod def default(): """ Returns the default configuration. """ return ''' workflows: - ./examples libraries: [] celery: broker_url: redis://localhost:6379/0 result_backend: redis://localhost:6379/0 worker_concurrency: 8 result_expires: 0 worker_send_task_events: True worker_prefetch_multiplier: 1 signal: host: localhost port: 6379 password: null database: 0 polling_time: 0.5 store: host: localhost port: 27017 database: lightflow username: null password: null auth_source: admin auth_mechanism: null connect_timeout: 30000 graph: workflow_polling_time: 0.5 dag_polling_time: 0.5 cli: time_format: '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' extensions: {} logging: version: 1 disable_existing_loggers: false formatters: verbose: format: '[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(name)s %(filename)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d | %(message)s' datefmt: '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' simple: (): 'colorlog.ColoredFormatter' format: '%(log_color)s[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(blue)s%(processName)s%(reset)s | %(message)s' datefmt: '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler level: INFO formatter: simple loggers: celery: handlers: - console level: INFO root: handlers: - console level: INFO '''