Workers ------- The ``workers`` module provides the API functions for starting, stopping and managing workers. Methods ^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: lightflow.workers :members: Return Classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: lightflow.queue.models.WorkerStats :members: .. autoclass:: lightflow.queue.models.QueueStats :members: Workflows --------- The ``workflows`` module provides the API functions for starting, stopping and monitoring workflows. Methods ^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: lightflow.workflows :members: Return Classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: lightflow.queue.models.JobStats :members: Config ------ The configuration of Lightflow is passed to the API functions via an instance of the ``Config`` class. The configuration is described as a YAML structure and can be loaded from a file. The ``Config`` class contains a default configuration, which means that you only need to specify the settings in the config file that you would like to change. .. autoclass:: lightflow.Config :members: :inherited-members: Task Data --------- .. autoclass:: lightflow.models.MultiTaskData :members: Persistent Data Store --------------------- .. autoclass:: lightflow.models.DataStoreDocument :members: